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Macro Economic Indicators

Economic Indicators Value As at:
Money Supply (M3) N92,343,286.7million Mar, 2024
Credit to Other Sectors N71,211,271.4million Mar, 2024
Year-on-Year All Item Inflation Rate 33.69 Apr, 2024
Average Inter-bank Call Rate
Monetary Policy Rate 26.25   5/21/2024
Treasury Bill Rate 91-Day Tenor 16.24
3-Month Tenor Deposit Rate of Banks 11.65
Apr, 2024
Monthly Average Prime Lending Rate 15.54
Apr, 2024
Spot Price of Nigeria's Reference Crude Oil US$83.0 5/21/2024

Full dates are in the format mm/dd/yyyy
Facts : 1/1/1900
London Club of Creditors:These are mainly uninsured and unguaranteed debts extended by commercial banks to nationals of debtor nations. Members of the club are commercial banks mainly in industrialized countries. The first London club meeting was held in 1976 to discuss re-payment and conclude re-structuring agreements.
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